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The Real Ghost Stories

My Haunted Life 

Dark Entity 

I have had several occurrences with dark entities but this case happened to my sister that I helped her with

Over a month ago my sister came to me and told me that she was hearing someone knocking on her door, her bedroom is a converted from garage and the door that she heard the knocking was coming from the door that leads to the outside

I ignored it because she always complains about hearing footsteps coming from her basement stairs which I debunked as being the heat kicking on and the cement making the metal grips click against the concrete. This case was different since each day the knocking continued and each night became louder

She felt that it was a dark entity, I did not since I could not feel anything on my property

One night to make my sister feel a little better I went into my back yard and walked around our property to get a good visual of my yard in my mind so that I could perform my own prayer for protection, the prayer was for my home and property and for my sister as well

During my prayer I did not sense anything within my yard but I did sense something coming from my neighbor's yard in his tree to be exact

I felt as though the entity was within the tree since the tree does not bend but as I looked at the tree I saw a good part of the top of the tree bending back into my neighbors yard (there was only a slight breeze on this night, not enough to bend the top of a tree)

I finished my prayer and I did not see the tree bending so I assumed that the entity was gone. The next night my sister asks me to print out the image of the Celtic Shield Knot

It works for me so I agreed to

I printed out two of them and placed one over her bed and one on her door

As I placed the one on the door there was a slight knock like it was warning me not to put it on the door

I placed my hand on the shield and closed my eyes, I then had my encounter with the entity

It showed me what it was it was part human and reptile like, after that I placed my hand back over the shield and told it to get off my property and never return and that if it did return it will have to deal with me

I guess it did not like my threat because it has not bothered my sister lately, every dark entity that I have come across seems to have a fear of me uttering the earth mother's name like they know that they are dealing with more power than they can handle. 
